The Board of Tax Assessors is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for three year terms. The Chief Appraiser is appointed by the members of the Board of Tax Assessors. The Tax Assessors office determines all property values in the county for tax purposes, maintains county tax records and maps, compiles building costs, prepares annual assessments, adheres to policies set by the Georgia Department of Revenue, assists the Board of Tax Assessors and the Board of Equalization.
Our annual goal is to appraise at fair market value all tangible real and personal property located in Miller County by utilizing uniform methods and procedures to equally distribute the tax burden among our taxpayers. Our information is for tax purposes only and not legally binding. We will strive to provide as accurate and up to date information as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on how this site can better serve you.
In accordance with the official code of Georgia annotated 45-5-264.1, the Miller County Board of Assessors must notify property owners prior to making a site visit. Notice is hereby given that a representative if the appraisal staff and Contractors will review and inspect all properties that have changed ownership in the last twelve months, obtained a building permit for construction, made a return of value on the property, reported fire damage, demolition and or filed an appeal as well all property Located in the East side of the County.
These appraisal reviews may include measuring structures, listing construction information, and photographing the subject property. A majority of these field reviews will take place between Nov 8th thru Dec 31st of the current year during normal business hours. The appraisal staff and Contractors and Contractors will be in a marked vehicle and shall carry identification which will permit the owner/occupant to readily ascertain that such person is a representative of the Miller County Tax Assessors.
If your property will be the subject of one or more of the aforementioned random reviews and you prefer to make an appointment for a specific date and time for review, please contact the Miller County Tax Assessors' office at (229) 758-4100 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or sending an Email
Watch Video: ACCG: Facts About Your Property Tax - An Investment in Your Community

Contact Information
Chief Appraiser
304 W. Pine St.
Colquitt, Ga 39837
Phone (229) 758-4100
Fax: (229) 758-3946
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm